Today was so great as my daughter has finally given up the battle of the Binky. We decided it was time to give up the Binky while there was still a chance. Brynnley LOVES her Binky. I tried to only give it to her during the day when I desperately needed her to give me more time to do whatever I was needing to do. There is a big difference in the pace of life between child #1 and child #3. Some days a 20 min. nap will have to do for the day. She was definitely getting more attached and I don't like it when kids talk through their Binky(which she was starting to do). I didn't feel too bad when Brynnley had her Binky in a few weeks ago as we passed a 7 year old talking to her mom about what clothes she wanted with a Binky in her mouth. I wanted to grab it out of her mouth and take off running but I figured it wasn't my business and she wasn't my child. I just took off quickly before I stared too much in disbelief. Anyways with the help of my partner in crime we were able to keep each other sane while lot's of whining occurred the first two days. It seems there is always an excuse as to why we should wait(for instance her eye teeth coming in) but they have popped through and we know she will survive. I can't tell you how many times I thought of waiting until she was 2 but I knew that only meant more attachment to the sucking device. She was so not her happy self the first few days we took it away but today was a break through(ha!!...that sounds serious doesn't it) and I did a bunch of errands, dropped off and picked up the kids from school, went visiting teaching, and then did another errand all with NO WHINING!! She was even better than when she was corked. I am so happy! Nights are still not 100% but we are getting there. I am just glad it's gone forever during the day and naps. Tonight she almost didn't need it! Oh I am so glad it didn't take weeks!! I am grateful for that!! I was prepared to do it though. I am a BIG believer in following through.....It has worked so far for my kids!
My Brynny is growing up. She is talking so much and creating small sentences. I love how when we passed the target sign today she said, "taget." That's my girl!! She says,"see ya Toma" when we take Thomas to school and it makes his day(she said his name before Avery...must be easier for her to say. Avery is happy that she is now apart of her vocab.) She still loves to explore everything, jump around, keep up with the kids, color, open all the doors(which now all have child locks which so far she hasn't taken apart). I finally got her a mini learning lap top as she is obsessed with mine. If I didn't put it up, I would find her on the floor flat on her tummy typing away in pure delight. It was $15 and she loves it! I loved how she came into the office as soon as she got it and sat hers next to mine. They are so smart. I was going to wait until Christmas to give it to her but when I saw it on sale at Target today I couldn't resist.....and's educational.
The green and white ones below were your favorite kind Brynn. Maybe your kids will like them too?? None of the others would do from the beginning. I loved the glow in the dark ones at night when she would drop it.
I am however a little bummed that the Binky is gone and I never got to partake in these Binkies shown below that I saw today......I also saw a vampire one for Halloween.
I am sorry I didn't get you the $17,000 Shiloh Bradgelina Binky covered in diamonds that could have fed too many hungry babies to count. I am sure your mouth thanks me for the cheap, light weight, very practical one that more than served it's purpose.
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