Gardner Family

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

One on one time.....

Avery and I had a craft day while Thomas was at school and Brynnley was taking a nap. We had a great time making paper clocks and necklaces. Avery showed me her necklace making skills. She does such a great job! I love how she creates and mixes colors and patterns.
The final masterpiece!!

I love being with my sweet Avery so much! She is always so pleasant and fun to be around. She loves to chat, cook, and create things together. She is always asking if she can help me(always)is so observant and wants to make sure I am happy. She is the best 5 year old babysitter around(I of course am home when she babysits and she amazed me at her maturity level for her age with taking on responsibility). Avery is so tenderhearted and has so many wonderful qualities that will no doubt bless the lives of the many people who will have the opportunity to know her throughout her life.

Today reminded me how important is is to take that one on one time as often as possible. I am so lucky to have her in my life. I love you Aves!!

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