I had to journal dropping Thomas off to school today. He woke up pretty happy and ready to start the day. I love talking with the kids in the car for our 7 minute car ride to school. Thomas was telling me how he wasn't going to be sad at school and we talked about how much fun he was going to have. I dropped them off and he gave me a big kiss and hug and just as he was about to shut the door, he said,"Bye Mom, I won't let you down." I definitely got a god chuckle in because he was so cute in how he said it, but it also made me want to smother him with hugs and make sure he knew we are always proud of him. He is so cute. I am not sure where he got that but I told him he couldn't possibly let me down. He is a brave boy and doing great in school. It only took a week. He is all boy but he has a heart of gold. He always seems to want to do whats right. Yesterday he came up to me with kinda a sad look and told me he said a bad word. He told me he said, "that game is stupid." I told him it isn't a bad word, it's just not a word that is nice that we would call someone. I just happen to not like the word so he thinks it's a bad word. I am happy he will come up to me and tell me though. Communication and trust with my children is something I will always try to cultivate. I hope it continues! Love that boy so much!
I also need to give a shout out to Sonic for supplying me with bags of super yummy pellet ice. I get a huge bag for only $1.99. I have the severe ice craving again this pregnancy. I think it might be worse than it was with my pregnancy with Brynnley. I love it plain, but it also tastes so good with some root beer. Anyways, Eric is cute and tries to make sure I am stocked up at all times with my ice. We go through the Drive through often and only order bags of ice! Today a big cup of it made my day as my day was packed with a to do list of errands with my Brynn!!!
It's funny because now Thomas and Brynnley are always asking for ice. I even got my Mom hooked when she was here!
Sonic ice rocks! I'll treat you next time we hang out:)