These two amaze me with how they can be together all day without getting sick of each other. Of course they have their days(what kid or adult for that matter doesn't) but they really do have a special bond. I could have never imagined how wonderful life would be having these two so close together. That's why I always say Heavenly father knows best! I love hearing their "pretend play" on a daily bases. Often times I heard them say,"Mom" and I will ask them what they need and they say,"mom, we are just pretending." They both have an amazing imagination and feed off each other. They make life so much fun. They are pretty much twins. They weight the same and are about the same height so I get asked from time to time if they are twins. Anyways, I am so glad that I kept Avery home this year instead of sending her to pre school. It has been a great year having the two of them home together before Avery heads off to Kindergarten in the fall. I will many stories to tell them when they get older of their sweet friendship. I hope this friendship continues. I have a feeling it will! Their personalities are such that I don't see it any other way. Either way I am enjoying it now!
When did they grow up so fast! Thomas is Mr. independent and has been for a long time. I love this picture of him making his sandwich. You can't see it unless you click on the picture but is sticks his tongue out when he is concentrating. So cute! Yesterday he was a stinker though and wouldn't listen but I figured out what would really pull those heart stings with discipline as he isn't taking the stairs too serious. I needed something new to let him know I am not messing around. I sometimes wonder if I am too hard on him for his age(I often think he should act like an older kid because he is big for his age...3 almost 4 but not 5, even though he tells everyone he will be 5 like Avery). I wonder if he always feels like he is the one getting in trouble because I really don't have to discipline Avery. Not sure why hasn't picked up on her example:) I also know he is capable of responsibility and should learn it young before I really can't get through to him. Anyways today I threatened and FOLLOWED through with taking toys away(this kid adores every toy he owns...he literally plays with all of them during the week, leaving out non of them). So I asked him put his toys away in his room a time or two or three. He seemed to not "hear" me each time so I took away his REX from toy story that he also loves and you would have thought I ripped out his heart. I talked to him about what the consequences would be if he didn't do as I asked. I tell you, so far so good. Sometimes I pray to know how to handle each child with their unique personality and needs. I don't like to raise my voice or show anger(which I will admit happens...I thought I was a very patient person until kids came along)needless to say, I am trying new ways of discipline and trying to do it in a more positive way. After explaining to him that this would happen every time if he did something that was worthy of discipline. He has turned up his hearing senses up and seems to be hearing what I say now. We shall see what the days to come bring. I just know he will be a great influence to many in his life and I want him to be the best he can be. I love him too much to not. He is such a boy though and a sweet one at that. I love him and am grateful for all that he teaches me. It's amazing how much we can learn from our little ones. Being a mom is not always easy, but it comes with so many rewards. I love how you can always leave yesterday behind and start new today. Today is a good day:)
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