Gardner Family

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Moments at Costco....

Today I went to of my favorite stores(warehouse I should say). Any whoo we were shopping and sampling when one of the sample ladies said, "You sure have well behaved, polite kids....I am very are doing a great job with them." I may not always feel that way but it was nice to hear from a complete stranger. It was funny though because as we were walking out of Costco, people were smiling at us(mostly at the kids) and one lady said, "You sure have your hands full." She said it as though I had a herd of children behind me. It's like having three kids these days equals 5. I wanted to say, "actually I have two kids that are walking behind me(in a straight line I might add) and one sitting quietly in the cart and my hands are completely free." But I smiled instead and said, "yup." I haven't gotten the "you have your hands full" comment for awhile so I suppose it was time. It cracks me up more than anything. I take the 3 kids everywhere. Maybe I am crazy:). They for the most part do really well and I enjoy it.

I am off to eat some of the best looking strawberries from Costco that I've seen in awhile. I love that they are in season again!

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