Thomas was collecting some rocks and he came up to me and told me he had found a "D" and an "A"(aren't they awesome)....He has the greatest imagination. He got distracted with what Dad was doing and took on another project that you can see in the pictures below otherwise I would have had him find another "D" to spell DAD.
Thomas followed Eric around the yard as he was spraying the lawn for weeds. He was asking him all sorts of questions about what he was doing and why. Eric and I went inside to grab something and when we came back outside we found Thomas finishing the job. He told us he was strong and could finish the job. It was so adorable to see him pumping the spray bottle and then perfectly spraying each weed in the yard. I was quite impressed at what a good job he was doing. He was so proud of himself as he took over Dads job. We are aware this stuff is poisonous and washed his hands right after he had gotten every weed in the yard....he even wanted to go help the neighbors in their yard but we told him to stay in our yard. Soooo cute!!!
He worked quickly and efficiently!! Avery was with us for a few minutes until she got taken away to play with a neighbor friend. She came back home telling me the plans she and her friend made for tomorrow. Hence why Avery isn't in the pics! She is my social gal.
I was playing around with my camera and took some "celestial" pictures:) Eric looks like he's in the Matrix movie!! Either that or it looks like his lenses were replaced with marshmallows. I had to take a picture of Brynnley with the man she loves most! Brynnley has Eric wrapped around her finger. She gets so excited when he comes home. He has to hug and kiss her first thing or she is not happy. I know it makes Eric's day.
Brynnley was thrilled watching all the action for a few minutes but quickly wanted to get down so she could eat and throw rocks and get all dirty getting into everything else outside....we should have waited to bathe her! Man am I lucky I get to kiss that face a hundred times a day!!!! I love her long eyelashes and petal lips. She is just so sweet!
I had to post this for my mom. I laugh every time I see it. His face is hilarious. He wasn't crying but when I took the picture I guess that is what his fake cry/sad face looks like. Oh I love you Thomas!! My mom was here for a couple of weeks and the kids were in heaven. I really can't compete with making the kids princess, mickey mouse, and dog shaped pancakes every morning with their choice of chocolate chips or blueberries. I can however play pirate ship on their beds. Thanks again mom for watching the kids so Eric and I could have a getaway to find a rental and enjoy time together. I loved being with you. We are so blessed to have the best Grandma, Grammy, and Grandpas in the world!! The kids get so sad when they have to leave. After we took my Grandma to the airport, Thomas went and got their picture, hugged it, and asked if he could put it in his room. It was so sweet. He got through it though knowing Grandma would go home and talk to Grandpa and both of them would come back in a month. That was the deal. Sounds good to me!!! He liked that. In fact, all his favorite people will be here together as Grammy and Grandpa will be here too. The kids will be in heaven!
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