Thomas melted my heart by saying (I was upstairs and he was in the kitchen), "Mom I love you".........I told him I loved him too. I kinda thought he was trying to melt my heart in return for something so I said, "What are you doing?" He said, "Nothing, I just wanted to tell you that."
I got to play all day with my kids. I gave them my full attention all day and we had a blast. I wish I didn't have any responsibilities so everyday could be like that.
The kids wanted me to pretend they were my babies again(little do they know they always will be). I rocked them and sang them songs and tickled their faces. I loved rocking Thomas as he actually fell asleep in my arms. I soaked in the moment and thought to myself where the time has gone where my sweet little baby turned into a boy. I love those moments where I think about the time when me needed me so much and now he wants to do everything all by himself. I'll be honest though....I loved my children as babies and newborns but I am glad they are were they are at today. I love seeing their personalities blossom. I might freeze Brynnley to stay were she is at though. I am so enjoying her at her little 14 months of age. As I did Avery and Thomas but you don't realize how much you will enjoy them as they grow too.
I loved watching the kids take Brynnley on carpet rides(with their towels). Thomas would pull Avery an then they would switch. They both just kept giving Brynnley turns as because she loved it so much. I loved hearing them all laughing as I made dinner.
How could I forget the "one eyed T Rex" that came downstairs to scare us all. I must say, he sure had Brynnley eyeing down his one eye. He was adamant that only one eye was showing.
FYI.........those red riders on his head were fresh out of the dryer!!
Today.......was great!
I prefer using little girls panties I love the smell and taste of pee and toddler pussy