She was doing so good with it too!
I have been amazed that my busy bee hasn't really gotten in to the Christmas tree much this year. She did however get drawn in from time to time to the candy canes(esp. the ones the kids put at the bottom of the tree). As soon as all the candy canes were out of her reach, she had no more interest in the tree. Well, I must have missed one....
Yes....the one time she has some alone time with the tree it came crashing down. I was upstairs bringing the laundry up when I heard "the noise" you know that noise that you know could have caused some damage. This little girl is so smart and figures out a way to get what she needs and I am pretty sure she was trying to get a candy cane that was out of her reach. I wish I could have seen what she was doing but I was more concerned at the time to sweep her up and away from some some broken glass. I was amazed that only ONE ornament crashed to it's death!
We all survived and Brynn walked away without a scratch! She loves to create memories so I am sure she wanted us to remember 2011 Christmas with a bang! I think I am just about ready to pack it away now too. All the ornaments that fell off.....they are staying off! My rule is to only set up a Christmas tree once. It helps that we are heading to see family for Christmas. I text Eric to tell him about the fun I was having and after saying, "Oh sorry.....did you get any pictures?" Say what???? I mean I take a lot of pictures but at that moment I was thinking safety over capturing the moment for all the witness. Thomas can tell you all about it. Brynnley has more than moved on. It would be interesting if she tried that one again. That candy cane doesn't look so good anymore does it Brynn:)
Oh man is she ever the cutest though!! Every time I call her name she says, "huh." She is also taking after her sister by getting a plastic sandwich bag for everything and will get one and give it to me when she wants a snack. I have no more space to put them up high in the kitchen so they have to stay put. They are high enough that she can't look into the drawer and she just reaches her arm up high to get them. I figured if I turned them upside down she would reach up and not be able to feel them as she could before and would give up. Yeah right. You think I can out smart a 20 month old?? Nope. She opened the drawer, stretched her arm farther into the drawer than before, turned the box over, and grabbed herself a bag. Take that momma! I am sure is what she as thinking!
So I am back typing after a few hours of having to do errands, have the lock smith come, take kids to and from school, and throw in a few loads of laundry. Wouldn't you know as I am typing, little missy got into my mascara(or chaptick in her world) again! Every time she comes down thinking she struck gold and mom quickly ruins the moment. I just did what every good mom would do and cleaned her lash lips up and put her in her bed to play so I could make dinner. It seems they get busier when you have tons of stuff to do(like prepare for a trip). It's funny because she doesn't get into the decor in the house she just has her go to things she loves to get into and if we give her the chance(like me forgetting to shut my bedroom door) she will take it and will either get my lip gloss or mascara. Thats it.
After a 20 min. break, I grabbed her from her bed(she was gabbing away and playing) and told her not to get into my stuff and I said, "do you understand Brynny," and she said with a smile, "yeah, stand." And now I want to squeeze her with love and eat her up! It's amazing how quickly the frustration turns into love!!
Well it seems like its a Brynnley kind of a day so I will finish off with some journal entrees I want to remember and I know that she will have fun reading someday as well.
Brynnley tooted today and looked at me with big eyes and said,"uh-oh."
I also love lately how she bows her head to pray at the dinner table and covers her eyes with her hands and then smiles really big and yells, "Amen" at the end. She is so cute at family prayer too and often buries her head on the bed with her arms folded. The other night she started that way and lasted the entire prayer. Miracle! She is a joy and Eric and I struggle to ever get mad at her. Those eyes get you every time....especially with her Dad!
This picture is one of my favorite pictures of Brynnley. She isn't moving which is weird. Rarely can I capture a picture of her being still! We love and kiss on this little face so much. And when I say we I mean the 4 of us. She dishes it right back and we love it! This picture would be even better if she had her scrunched nose cheese face but I can picture her doing it just the same. She is a beautiful girl from the inside out! We love you Brynny!
Brynnley also has picked up on a Thomas phrase. Whenever I have to ask him twice to do something, I will tell him I am not going to ask him again and he always says, "alright." so tonight I was putting Brynn to bed and told her she needed to brush her teeth and she said, "alright." Some days I wish I could freeze time. Some moments I wish I could fast forward. I am so grateful for this journey called life and these little people I get to share it with. They teach me so much and make everyday a new experience. Whats even better is that I get to keep them and my sweetie forever!
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