Gardner Family

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A few forget me nots from last week.......

I came into Thomas's room(after Dad had already said prayers and read scriptures with him) and he was in the dark patiently waiting at the end of his bed looking like the picture below......waiting for a story and song from Mom(our nightly ritual together)spider man gloves and all. I should have started recording all the songs I make up each night(only for a good laugh). I make up some pretty lame songs, but he LOVES them and that's all that matters. He typically gives me the theme each night on what the song will be about. Last night it was about a green blanket and the night before about a blue dinosaur. Lately every time we leave the room after the ritual he has to say,"don't let the bed bugs bite." He must tell both Eric and I and then he is out. Last night he said,"don't let the bed bug bite your brain." Ooooh that wouldn't be good!
Brynnley got into my makeup and thought my mascara was lip gloss. And she is the one unhappy about it???? wusup with that??
Me and my sweet girl had fun taking pictures together. She is trying to learn how to take pictures and loves it!!

1 comment:

  1. Adorable kids! The make-up encounter is a classic photo. So fun to peek at your blog and see how life is post living in Chicago. Thanks for the great updates.
