Gardner Family

Friday, March 23, 2012

Adios training wheels!!

Eric and I wanted to teach the kids how to ride their bikes without training wheels this weekend but as we were enjoying our beautiful evening outside together yesterday Thomas decided he wanted to do it right then. It was about 6:30pm so we had some time before putting them to bed so Eric took his training wheels off and the rest is history. He took off like a rocket and didn't look back. Eric and I were amazed. Alls we had to do was take the off!! Avery of course wanted in on the action as we were praising Thomas for his amazing bike riding skills and she too flew like the wind. So they are now big bike riders. No training necessary! It was cute to see how proud Thomas was of himself as he sailed through the neighborhood making sure all the older boys were watching him. Needless to say we were out until 9pm all riding our bikes. It was a fun memory.

The picture is blurry of Thomas but he is posing in his moment of triumph with the bike he loves even more now.
Off he rides into the wind...
Aves following in her little bros. footsteps.

Avery told Thomas he was good and he replied, "No I am cool."

My two oldest are growing up before my eyes. For some reason it hits me more than other times that they are becoming more independent(not complaining). They shower themselves, get their own breakfast and pour their own milk, love to make their own sandwiches, are very good caretakers of their little sister so Mom can take a shower, they are both doing so good in school as we just had their parent teacher conference, are learning to work hard so they can earn their own money, and are kind to others. Those are just a few things that I thought of today. They are such good kids and are such a big help to their Mom. I love them both very much and are proud of the little lady and little man they are becoming.

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