Gardner Family

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Happy Spring time!!!

March 20th rang in a beautiful start of Spring for us here in Cincinnati. Avery was so excited it was the first day of spring. The streets are so beautiful with blossomed trees everywhere you turn. I love the tree in front of our house. I can't believe how fast it changed. It was all buds for weeks and then one morning it was full of popcorn:). I love spring time for so many reasons. The kids are more than enjoying the nice weather too. It seems like just yesterday they were playing outside for hours on end and here we are again. Yesterday the snow cone truck drove into our cul de sac blasting music. The kids had stopped the truck and told the lady to wait so that money mommy could buy them a snow cone. Of course I did! I can't think of a better way to bring in spring!!
Avery with our beautiful tree before school on the first day of spring. The tree next to it is slowly coming along too. I wonder what color those blossoms will be?
The kids played for hours outside after school and Thomas kept bringing me "flowers." I think he must of brought me 10 or more. Aren't they pretty!! He was so cute and proud as he kept bringing them to me one by one.
I was pretty tired at the end of the day but not because I have been staying up later than my typical bedtime to read The Hungry Games in less then 2 days(it may have pulled me in a bit....loved it!) Needless to say Dad rescued Mom by doing the dishes, straightening the house, bathing the kids, and doing most of the bedtime routine. Love that man!!

Today I felt more rejuved as I went to bed early and refrained myself from any reading. I woke up this morning and Avery came in and asked me if she could tickle my back. Wow, really? Is it Mother's day I asked? No she is just a sweetheart!

Today it was another beautiful day. We played at a friends house until all the kids faces were red, bought some birthday presents for friends(lot's of spring birthday parties) and busted out a big kid pool(Avery said she was tired of the little one with the sprinkler flower) and the kids played in it for hours. Brynnley was squealing in delight the entire time pouring cups of water over her head. So much fun. So to sum things up..........we are loving spring!!!

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