Gardner Family

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Busy week....

This past week was busy over at our house........good busy! Even though we are not officially done with residency for another 15 days, my parents and Eric parents flew in for the graduation ceremony on the 11th. It was a day we thought would never come. I can now say where did the time fly. I couldn't help but ponder on the past 5 years and how much stronger we are as a family because of it. Avery was just 2 weeks old when we moved to madison WI. to start residency. I would always say to Eric, "Won't it be weird that when we leave Avery will be 5 and Thomas will be 4"....little did we know we would also have our sweet little Brynnley as well. I am excited for the future as we have great things ahead of us. We will be in Cincinnati OH for 1 year and then will move to Scottsbluff NE. We know that is where we need to be and have already made some friends. It is amazing how many people we have ran into the have loved Scottsbluff and many teenagers that have graduated and want to go back(which is promising for our children....they are what matters most to me). Whether or not we stay forever will be up to the Lord but I know it is where we need to be and running into people that even know where Scottsbluff is and tell us how much they love it is just a reminder of the feelings we felt as we interviewed there and knowing that is where God wanted us to be. He has always guided us on our path and that is why I try to always leave things in his hands. After all, he knows us best!

Since we had all of Thomas's favorite people here, we also celebrated Thomas's 4th birthday a little early. He doesn't like cake much so I created a cake with his favorite fruit..raspberries. I made a raspberry cream filling and he ate the first piece in seconds and was asking for more. I guess it was a success and that made me happy! I love making my kids birthday cakes. He also got to open up a few presents that he had been dying to open. Oh how I love that boy. He is such a sweetheart. My mom took the kids for a walk and Thomas ran and got my neighbors newspaper and ran it to their garage for them without being told to do so. At dinner he looked over and saw that Grandpa didn't have a napkin so he split his in half and gave it to him. Just a few recent examples this week of how tenderhearted he is. He loved having his grandparents here and told them he loved them everyday. I am grateful to have you in our family Thomas! You are the best!!! There will be more fun to come on the 14th when we celebrate his real birthday!

All the residents rented tuxes for graduation night. The 5 graduating senior residents are in the front. The strong glowing handsome one is mine!!! I love you more than ever Eric and am SOOOOOOOOOOOO proud of you!

Mom and I posing for a shot before we headed out for the ceremony. Isn't she pretty!

Brynnley making us laugh as she tried to squeeze her face inside the hole of the kitchen chair. She is so much fun.

Thank you Grandma, Grandpa, Grammy, and Grandpa for being here with us to celebrate two special events. We loved every seconds with you here. We are so lucky to have you all. Our kids are so blessed to have grandparents that love them so much. We love you and miss you!

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