Gardner Family

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How can the best weekend ever with my 6 siblings end in a's how......

For Fathers Day weekend all 7 children surprised my Dad for Fathers Day. It has been 23 years since we were together without kids and spouses. We love having everyone together at our reunions, but we had so much fun just the 7 of us with Mom and Dad just like the good ole days.

Half of us were already in Denver and the rest of us flew in Friday afternoon. We each had a yellow smiley balloon and stood on the back porch while Mom made up some story and brought him downstairs where she drew back the curtain and there we were. He was so surprised. I had just seen hi on skype the night before so he couldn't believe I was there.

We had a great weekend and were busy every second. We all went to the temple for the first time doing a session together. It was awesome! We went to a Rockies game, ate, laughed a lot reminiscing, mastered Jon's salsa, played games, shopped a little, ate some more and stayed up really late. I love my family and am so blessed to have grown up with such amazing siblings and raised by the best parents in the world. A weekend I will never forget.

One other reason why I won't ever forget it is the travels home. Here are a list of things that happened so I don't get too wordy. I really don't want t re live it by going into detail:)....It all began at 9:20pm......
1. Flight was super cold...I thought it was great I was in the front of a very small plane by myself...I was wrong.
2. Flight attendant was hitting on me the entire time even knowing I was married with 3 kids. He pulled up a box and chatted 2 hours. I am too nice. Didn't sleep at all. Positive note, he thought I was in my 20's and was surprised I was 32. Maybe that is why I let him talk to me.
3. Oh other positive note....ever seen a thunder storm underneath you while on a plane....Awesome!
4. After being 50ft from the ground in Madison the plane came back up and announced we were heading to Chicago due to fog and storms.
5. Bumpy plane....ready to release anything in my stomach at any moment.
6. Airport empty. Waited 30min. to get my carry on luggage when someone finally came to help.
7. Waited another 30 min. in line to be told there would not be a plane going out until the next day late in the day.
8. It is now 2am
9. Got to Hilton to try and sleep for an hour before I have to catch the bus to take me to Madison at 6am. Couldn't sleep due to over exhaustion and nausea.(keep in mind one night I went to bed at 3am, the other at 1am with the fam....Carol and I are always the last ones to bed)and despite what the fight attendant thought, I am not 20 anymore.
10. 3 hour bus ride to Madison
11. A group of us waiting for a cab for 45min. to take us to the airport to pick up our cars.
12. Is there sand in my eyes....they are sooo dry!
13. Been nauseated for days after that night and my eyes are still burning:)

Left Denver at 9:30pm on Sunday.....arrived home at 11am on Monday. Could have been worse.

And that was my amazing night. Bless my husband who was ready to pack the kids in the car at 2am to come and get me(he would have traveled 5 hours leaving at 2am). He was getting things ready and I had to talk him into not doing that. I'm a lucky chick!

Thanks to Marquez family for taking care of the kids until I got home so Eric could go to work.

When all is said and done I would do it all over again! The weekend with my fam was all worth it! I love you all!!

Thanks to my sweet husband for holding down the fort and taking such great care of the kids. I love you! I will make up for the not so relaxing fathers day this weekend!

Tomorrow is our last day of residency!! I can't believe it. Pinch me now. Where did 5 years go!?!I couldn't be more proud of you Eric! I'm not sure how you have balanced residency, church and family, but you did. I know you pretty much didn't do anything for yourself. Thank you for all you sacrifice for your family. We know you love us. Your kids love and adore you and I love you more then ever!!

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