Gardner Family

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thomas's 4th birthday!!!

The finally came and it's official...Thomas is 4. He is a little disappointed that he isn't 5. He thought at his friend party because it was the third time we celebrated his birthday that maybe he was 5. Don't grown up too fast bud!

Eric and I take turns taking the birthday child on a birthday date. It was Thomas's turn and he picked Dad for his date. Of course Eric came home with a toy they could both enjoy and the battle began. Thomas loved chasing his Dad around with the nerf gun. He had a great day.

Thomas was so excited to celebrate with his best buddies at the park. They ate pizza and played their hearts out. It was a beautiful day! He was in heaven!

So three parties(One with the Grandparent when they were here, one with the fam/Dad, and it ended with his buddies). I am tired now but it was well worth it. He in one happy boy and that's what makes it worth it.

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