Gardner Family

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"Come what may and love it"

I love this simple quote by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin from a General Conference talk in 2008. This is a quote that Eric referred to many times during the grueling days of Residency. I now have it framed in the office as a friendly reminder on those not so easy days. It's all about attitude and gratitude and your reaction to the two:). Or maybe I just like those words.....they sound so good together. My kids are rubbing off on me with their rhymes. Hopefully I can teach my kids this concept at a younger age so that adulthood is easier to deal with. I know my Dad taught me that when I was younger and I am grateful that I listened!! Still a work in progress but it has helped me a lot in life.
I looked at it a lot this weekend trying to see if I could "love" my lingering cough that turned in to the most awful sore throat, sinus infection, pounding head that I have ever experienced. It is so hard to play the role of mom when your not feeling well. I finally couldn't take it any longer and felt it was getting worse so Eric pushed me into going to the urgent care(which I am grateful for). I tried to not let the sickness get the best of me but in the end sometimes you have to surrender. I kept pushing along thinking I would wake up feeling better as virus's can be very tricky and most of the time take just that.....time. It was taking way to much of it though. Thanks to some antibiotics I can now hold up my head and sleep. I am especially grateful for my husband who held things together this weekend. I couldn't have done it without you!!

On a brighter note here are a couple quotes from the kiddos that my brain retained from the past few days.

Thomas: (Thomas had gotten out of the shower and told me to come see something and this is what he told me)"Mom look at my new muscle I have.....I am getting stronger."(He was referring to the flap of skin in between your chest and upper arm by your armpit) I got a good laugh out of that one!

Brynn: "Mom look look a banket"(We were in the car waiting to pick up Thomas and she kept telling me to look at the blanket, I couldn't find a blanket anywhere and realized she was pointing to the American flag flying in front of the school....she was pretty mesmerized by the flying blanket as she loves hers. It's so cute seeing the world from the eyes of little children.)

Avery: I picked Avery up from school today and she seemed pretty tired so I asked her what was wrong, she said,"Connor would not stop talking my ear off today. He gives me headaches."

We were also reminded this evening of how our little Avery is growing and learning. Tonight at the dinner table the kids wanted to talk about their birthdays. Eric spelled out a gift that was being saved for Avery's birthday(you know the secret parent language with young children.) I was tucking her into bed tonight and she said, "Mom, I know what I am getting for my birthday." Me asking "Oh really, how do you know that?" Avery's reply, "Because I know what Dad spelled out at dinner." Oh yeah....that's right you can read and spell!!! Duh! Eric and I got a good laugh. At least we didn't blow who Santa was right??

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