Gardner Family

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!!!

My cute Thomas set up an army to protect his room. He was so proud of them that I had to capture the crew. They look pretty intimidating if you ask me.
Even though Avery has a major ear infection and I can't breath through my nose, we managed to celebrate the day of love today. The kids were so cute with their Valentines Day cards too. The night before we put them together. Thomas carefully selected the perfect card for each one of his friends and wrote his name and theirs(and did an impressive job too). Avery just had fun signing them all and filling bags with candy. I loved how when they got home they shared their Valentines candy with Brynnley and I. Thomas hand picked a small box of chocolates from his decorated sack just for me. So cute! Avery wanted me to have her chocolate kisses. Man I have awesome kids. I love them to pieces!
Brynnley especially enjoyed her sugar cookie that she devoured after dinner.

I told Eric not to get me anything for the day of love since we had a Valentines Day week in San Fransisco and he more than spoiled me there(more on that later). I knew he would not hold strong to that idea and brought home some beautiful roses that I will admit made my day. I am somewhat of a practical woman(I like young woman better) when it comes to flower giving. I think of the money spent on flowers that will soon wither away and end up in my garbage. Although I can't help but stare at them and think of the handsome man that loving picked them out for me. I will look at them while they are in the kitchen and think of him. I am changing my outlook on flowers!! They are beautiful. I love you Eric. There isn't a luckier woman in the world. Mine forever.......that makes me happy beyond words!

To end the day my sweet Avery told me she had a surprise awaiting. I walked into my room to find this. Sickness and all and of her own accord, she folded all the laundry that was on my bed waiting to be folded. Maybe I am a bit emotional, but it makes me tear up just thinking about it. She truly is an angel!

We have been busy around here the past few weeks. Mom came to play with us for a few days before taking care of the kids for 5 days(she was here a total of 10 days) so Eric and I could go to San Fransisco. We had soooo much fun. Because of that I didn't get to take as many pictures as I wanted, but I will post some of the trip later. Sometimes we gotta have a great time and take mental pictures. We did a lot of that and will always remember this trip. I wouldn't want to live in San Fran, but it is so much fun to visit and oh so beautiful!!!! More to come.

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