Gardner Family

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Before I forget, I want to mention a cute little Thomas story. After we dropped Grandma off at the airport yesterday(sad day), I took the kids to target to get a few things and Thomas was lagging to the side of me and was waiting by the door while we entered the store. I looked at him wondering why he hadn't entered the door, and he was standing there with an empty box of cigarettes. He quickly said, "Mom I need to find a garbage can because someone threw this garbage on the ground." At that point I wanted to sanitize his hands, but didn't care what it was as I watched this little boy trying to keep God's beautiful earth clean(even if he has to take care of others lack of this concept). Funny how a 4 year old can pick up trash and take it to the garbage can but for some reason the big peeps struggle a bit.

Tonight's dinner conversation.....(Avery was sick and fell asleep)

Thomas: "What was the best part of your day Mom"
Mom: "Being with my favorite people for dinner"
Thomas: "No Mom say, making Thomas's favorite dinner"
Mom: "Oh, I guess making Thomas's favorite dinner"
Thomas: "That's better"
Thomas: "Dad what was your favorite part of the day"
Dad: "Coming home from work"
Thomas: "Oh that's a good one"

As the kids are getting older, I ask them that question often(the best part of their day) at the dinner table. I don't ask it every time but when I forget, it is Thomas that asks everyone. I always look forward to hearing what stood out to them most that day.

Thomas's favorite dinner tonight(he says that a lot) was curry honey mustard chicken, strawberry spinach salad with balsamic dressing, and garlic brown rice with black quinoa. He ate every last bite so I guess will add that one to the Thomas favorites list!!

I have been sick and have lost one of my favorite senses(taste) and am glad the dinner turned out okay without my trusty taste tester since I didn't use a recipe(typical). I have my moments where dinner turns into a chore, but for the most part I love making good healthy meals that make my family happy!!

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