Gardner Family

Sunday, April 1, 2012

"Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing"

This was the song that ended a wonderful morning session of General Conference today. After feeling the spirit so strong during conference today, this song more than touched my heart. It is my favorite church song sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I listened to it over and over again until the kids told me, "Conference is over Mom." So I listened to it again. I of course got emotional and then they really got worried and asked why I was crying. I told them I love Jesus. Thomas replied, "Jesus loves us!" Yes he does my boy!

I am grateful this time of year to ponder upon the words of prophets and apostles and to especially ponder in more depth upon the life, death, and resurrection of my Savior at this Easter time. I am grateful for the knowledge and testimony of him. That he lives. That he loved me(us) enough to suffer for all my sins and short comings. We are never alone. He is always there. I am truly grateful for his sacrifice for me so that I can be with my family forever. It's the greatest gift I could ever receive. He gives me hope in a world of much darkness. He brings peace. No one has or ever will suffer more than he did on this earth and yet he still stood strong and did the will of the Lord. I know that if I strive to be like him I will have no need to fear. I am grateful that every time I fall I can be forgiven. I am grateful to be able to teach this knowledge and testimony to my children and that together we will be able to learn more about him and continually strengthen that relationship. I am not sure how many get through life without this knowledge and purpose of life.

What a day that will be to stand in His presence to meet at his feet and thank Him someday. I am sure at that time we will be able to thank Him for every lesson we learned, every heart ache we experienced, every blessing that came into our lives, and everything in between that helped mold us into who we were sent here to become.

I loved President Thomas S. Monson's ending remarks at the end of the morning session. "Come back....come up.....come in......come home....and come unto me." This is the Savior's daily invitation to us all no matter what if we will choose that path. That door is always open. If we follow Him, He will lead us back to the God who gave us life.

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