Gardner Family

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Time just keeps flying by...........

It was a fun, busy week. I got a 6 hour date night with my man. We went car shopping, ate dinner, cheesecake, and then my oh so patient hubs took me to the mall and patiently let me get what I needed to get in the time frame of my choice. It was also fun just talking and walking off some our divine Mango Key lime cheesecake(Yum). I live for date nights with Eric. We have so much fun together and it's just nice to break away from life and go into our own little world. For moments there's not a worry in the world when I am with him. I am one lucky girl to have such a great guy by my side.

On Saturday I finally used my gift card that Eric gave me for my birthday in January. He got me a one on one session with a cannon camera expert who showed me the ins and outs to my camera. Man, I was not using my camera to it's full potential. I learned a lot. There will be(and has been) lot's of experimenting trying to use my cameras potential outside of auto mode. I may get some good pictures by the time my kids are in High school. I love photography though and love experimenting on my own kids!

The Kids loved playing the game Sorry with Dad. Avery always excels when it comes to playing games. She has such a good memory. Eric even gets frustrated when they play Memory because she is so good at it. She can even trick her Dad! Sorry is the kids new favorite game. It doesn't really matter what game it is though. They love Playing them. Dad is pretty good about playing a game with them a few nights a week before they head off to bed. It always ends up being more than that though because they ask every night and the old man is a softy!!!

Little conversation from dinner tonight.....

Mom: "Thomas what did you learn at church today?"
Thomas: "I learned to follow Jesus"
Mom: "How are you going to follow Jesus?"
Thomas: "I am going to follow in his footsteps.....<pause>.....and I think it will be easier when there's snow on the ground"

He then got off the table to physically show me how he is going to follow those footstep in the snow. The best!!

So much going on this week, month, year.....but I hope to still be able to blog often! That's the goal. My Mom is so kind to come out this week so Eric and I can go house hunting. We have some good potentials this trip, so we are anxious to get out there. It would be nice to find a place to buy or rent before we move out there. My Mom, Dad and Sister are even kinder to take good care of the kiddos so Eric and I head to Hilton Head in a few weeks for work(but mostly play) and celebrate our 9th Anniversary alone before life gets kinda busy. Can't wait!!!!! Hopefully I can document this month with a picture or two.'s to good times in May!!!

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