Gardner Family

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Sass face......

It does exist!! She is pretty much made of all sugar but every once in awhile there's a sprinkle of salt. It's pretty funny! This is her face when she is bugged or mad. As I said in her birthday post, she will always stand up for herself. I can't remember why she was mad in this picture but I remember laughing!! I can never take that mad face serious as she almost always happy. Hopefully the sugar continues to outweigh the salt as we enter the "2's"(even though I personally think the "3's" have replaced the terrible "2's"). I am always optimistic that each year will be total bliss. Ha!!
Whatever it was, it didn't last too long!!
My little girl had her 2 year check up today and she is tall(shocker) and average in weight.

Weight: 29lbs. (28.4 is the average)
Height: 36" (30" is the average for girls)

She was great at the Dr.'s office. She gave Dr. Bird a stare down for the first part of the physical but was all smiles at the end.

She is healthy and doing great! I even found out she is getting all her 2 year molars(which the Dr. said is early for a 2 year old but not abnormal) but I didn't realize she had one molar that had popped through already and the other 3 were well on their way. She hasn't been eating as good as she normally does so maybe that's why?

We learned this weekend Brynnley loves kicking the soccer ball around. I was laughing because at one point she would jump in the air and kick the ball before she landed. She may follow in her Mom's footsteps and have a love for soccer. It's a pretty awesome sport! Either way, it seems to entertain her for now.

This week is Spring break!!! Yay! I am loving it already and may just keep them home and call it a school year. We have already been having a great time with friends and are looking forward to having a fun, low whatever we want kind of a week filled with good times of course!! I even get to do something for me! A photographer is coming to the house on Tuesday to teach me more about photography. It is something I love but I am self taught and am in need of professional guidance and he is doing it out of the kindness of his heart!! I figured it is something that would be on the back burner for a long time so I am more than excited about it! No promises that pictures will be any better! It will be fun to get his professional ideas though.

Easter was the perfect weekend!! More on that to come.

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