Gardner Family

Monday, October 24, 2011

Passion for learning.......

Avery loves to learn and created a little office space for herself next to dad's desk. She was so cute writing down all the words she knows how to spell and even wanted to use Brynnley as her student. She loves to play the teacher. We have two girls that consistently come and babysit for us(they are sisters and they both love to come so we rotate). Every time they come they love to pretend play with the kids. The kids ask us every week if we are going on a date. The babysitters are awesome and love the kids so much and play so cute with them.

With their minds on a learning rampage, the kids love sounding out the first letter of every word. I was laughing the other day as Avery was talking to Thomas. She said,"Thomas come l-l-l-l-l let's c-c-c-c-c color a p-p-p-p-p-p picture." The kids love to play pretend school. They do it everyday and it is soooo cute. It's either that or playing mom and dad. I will hear Thomas talking to Avery and calling her Natalie and Avery calling Thomas Eric. I must say they communicate very well for parents. Ha!! I love their sweet relationship and how well they get along.
Here is Avery at her study. I am refinishing a cute desk for her just her size in her room so she can study to her hearts content. She is so excited for me to finish it. I'm excited for her too. I am glad so far they both love school. I must say though Avery loves her days off at home. She does get tired. They are long days for these little Kindergartners. I am glad we have two days with her. It's been a great schedule for us.

Avery was so cute the other day. She wanted to buy a book at school so she went and got her money out of her piggy bank so she could pick one out the next day at the book fair. She didn't even ask me for any money. Maybe that you gotta earn before you buy thing is finally clicking. It was sweet thought and I of course gave her more money to pick out a couple books. I love buying new books for the kids. They all love to read.

I look at this hard earned money and I think I need to give this amazing helper of mine a raise. Especially when she got Brynnley in her chair this morning, buckled her up, and got her a bowl of cereal all while I got dressed. I rarely have to ask her to clean or help me out. She just does it. I am blessed to be your mother Aves!!

Funny story for posterity and myself to laugh at down the road......

So on our date last week Eric and I got dessert after dinner and looked around the mall a little bit. I put some cologne on Eric in one of the stores. It smelled pretty good and Eric thought he might start wearing cologne again. We didn't buy any that night however a week later I thought I would be a sweet wife and surprise him with some cologne that I thought smelled really good. I surprised him that night with it and he liked it. To make it a short story, he wore it for 3 days. He thought it smelled good and honestly I really liked it on him. So on day 4 of putting it on every day, he put it on in the morning and thought to himself that it did smell kinda girlie.(I gotta mention there is a diamond on the front but I just thought it was a bit weird but not a big deal). Eric thought the same but as always trusted my judgment. So after he got suspicious that morning, he looked it up on the internet and saw that it was perfume. He said as soon as he saw that he began scrubbing it off. As he is describing it to me I was laughing and crying. I mean the box was so masculine and it smelled more masculine to me. Now that we know, it does have a sweeter smell than most colognes. Eric is only scarred a little. We got a good laugh. Okay, I got a good laugh. Oh I love you Eric!!! You are the best!!!!!!!! Thanks for making me laugh.
I learned a cologne buying lesson.......I will read all the fine print on the box, not judge a cologne or perfume by it's cover and certainly won't buy you cologne with a fake diamond on the front. I will make sure that the bottle is in the shape of a football or something. Ha!

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