Gardner Family

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Brynn the animal lover....

Not only is Brynnley favorite book about animals but when you get her near them, she squeals with delight.

We were able to go to a friends farm a few weeks ago because her dog just had 8 puppies. When we first got to the farm we played outside for a bit to see the other animals and all Brynnley wanted to do was chase the cat(thinking she was going to catch it and smother it with love.) She tried and tried but the cat won. She quickly moved on as we entered the house where the sweet puppies were sleeping. She was in heaven to day the least. She was very sweet with them and also loved their mommy. She tried to feed them with her finger and just could not get close enough to them so she decided to pot herself into the plastic pool. I made she she didn't squish one but she had everything under control and was as gentle as could be. I think she could have stayed there all day. I even tried to pry her out with a homemade cookie but she wanted nothing to do with it. WHAT! She does not get that from me!

I must admit I fell in love with them but snapped out of it quickly as I thought of 3 kids(one that will potty train in a year or so) and a puppy. Not a good combo if you ask me. I would rather give ALL my love and cleaning skills to my children. Who knows....maybe someday. Yes Eric I said it. Especially because Eric is going to build a small house in the backyard of our house where the animal will reside.

All in all it was a great day at the farm and the kids and I really enjoyed ourselves. We are excited to go back and see the baby bunnies that will be born in 2 weeks!

Here is my sweet girl with her puppies! If you notice her face in this picture I was at one point able to get her away to eat a cookie! It didn't last long though until she was back in the pool bed with the puppies and their mommy!

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