Gardner Family

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Brynnley LOVES shoes! I have a feeling there will be more pictures similar to this one. She puts them on and tries to shuffle around the house. The best is when she has heels on! The other day I took the kids to the mall and we played at their kid zone. I finally had to leave because she kept taking all the kids shoes that were in the cubby and tried to put them on. Yuck! Not quite as fun as my closet, but she was in shoe heaven!

Thomas turned into a duck with an empty diaper box. I love that he had found a random bean bag somewhere for the beak. This boys brain only stops when he is sleeping. Even then he tells me all about his dreams when he wakes up. Bynnley was very entertained! She knew right away what he was. She loves going on walks to see the ducks down the road.

Mr. Thomas showing me his karate moves. I had to bust out the camera and the video camera for this session. He had me laughing pretty good as he was acting as though he was a black belt. Brynnley started trying to mimic him too. We will definitely have some good laugh when we all watch that video someday!!

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