Gardner Family

Sunday, October 2, 2011

End of September.....

Kids playing games together. Brynn loves to climb on the desk a lot. It has turned into her thinking spot.....thank you sweetie for fixing that problem this weekend. I loved how she semi climbed up to see what the kids were up to though. She no longer has this privilege. It was pretty fun while it lasted though.

This is Brynn intently watching the kids create drawings on the computer screen.

If Eric and I aren't able to do date night on Friday nights the we make it a date night with the kids or this particular Friday night Eric had to cover a football game so the kids and I popped some fresh popcorn and watched a movie. I think it might becoming a tradition. This all happens after the kids have had their 4 hours playing outside! The kids love it. I let them have a hay day with the popcorn and boy did Brynnley take full advantage. It was easily cleaned up and no one was hurt in the process. In fact while I was on the treadmill the next day(yes I am trying to get my workout on again) all the kids cleaned up and ever since then Avery asks me everyday if she can vacuum. Pull my arm! She does a pretty good job at it. Seriously Aves....if you keep this whole cleaning/helping mom thing up till you are 20(cause that is when we will let you start dating and I guess that might fill up some of your long as you don't mind two super fun chaperones at your side) I see very happy Mom in your future.

Thomas you continue to crack me up! Some of your random phrases this week....

You have been wanting some rain boots and we saw some at Target but they didn't have your size so you snapped your fingers and said,"Oh barnacles."

"Mom Avery said my breath stinks this morning so I need a better toothbrush."

"Mom when I was in Scottsbluff someone hit me on the head."

"What would happen if I poke the black part of my eye."....ouch! Again I get a lot of those what would happen if.....questions.

"Whenever my pants get on fire, I need to stop, drop, and roll."

"Can we stop watching conference when I see Jesus."

Another funny thing that happened yesterday was with Brynnley. We had some friends come over to watch the second part of conference(which was ALL amazing(so many awesome talks) and so inspiring but I will talk about that later) and Eric and I were making dinner before they came in the kitchen and all the sudden we heard some rustling in the small pantry next to us(which is not a walk in pantry) and we were wondering where it was coming from. We finally saw a little book pop out from under the door. We open the door and there was Brynnley. You could tell she had been in there for a bit because her eyes were squinting when she saw the light. We were both laughing. Here we thought she was playing upstairs with the kids but she was right next to us and had shut herself in the small pantry closet. The funny thing is that she didn't even whimper or say a word, she was just playing in the dark. Love that busy girl. She is so much fun that I can't help but love her passion and curiosity of all things that surround her. It can definitely keep me busier which at times can be frustrating but she is so full of life. We all can't get enough of her!!

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